Residence permit in Argentina

Argentina has developed tolerance and has laws protecting the rights of minorities. There is high-quality free education and medicine here. Wide business opportunities – a lot of unoccupied niches and low competition. Access to the Atlantic Ocean, mountains and rainforests.

Immigration to Argentina is considered one of the most budgetary and promising. All conditions have been created in the country so that a person accustomed to the European lifestyle feels as comfortable as possible. However, access to high-quality medicine, education, social guarantees and other preferences is possible only if a residence permit is issued.

Types of residence permit and permanent residence

The authorities of the South American country provide various legalization options for foreigners. Some foreigners can stay in Argentina without a visa for no more than 90 days. But this is quite enough to get to know the Republic better and choose a suitable accommodation format. Individual relocation conditions are provided for certain categories of applicants (students, qualified specialists, rentiers, scientists).

Transit residence permit (rezidencia transitoria)

It is mainly issued for a period not exceeding one year. You can request a transit residence permit for:

  • undergoing a course of treatment;
  • getting an education;
  • conducting scientific research;
  • business meetings;
  • religious missions.
Persons with rezidencia transitoria are prohibited from finding employment in the territory of the state (the rule does not apply to seasonal workers). They also do not receive a DNI (identity card).

The list of documents required for registration varies depending on the category of the applicant. But all candidates are required to present a passport, a certificate confirming the absence of criminal records, as well as a letter certifying the availability of housing in Argentina.

A detailed list of what needs to be submitted to obtain a transit residence permit is available on the website of the National Directorate for Migration.

Temporary residence permit (radicaciones temporaria)

This legalization format is provided for 13 categories of applicants. In particular, such a residence permit can be applied for:

  • persons working for a local employer (the company must be registered with the migration office);
  • rentier;
  • pensioners;
  • special staff;
  • cultural workers;
  • teachers (the university must be registered with the migration department);
  • refugees and so on.
For your information
Religious figures, refugees, as well as persons arriving in Argentina to carry out humanitarian missions, are exempt from paying migration fees.

Holders of a temporary residence permit are issued a DNI (identity card) to confirm their legal status.  They are also allowed to work in the country. Such a residence permit is valid for 3 years.

As for the package of certificates and certificates required for registration, it is similar to the “transit” one.  Most categories of applicants are required to provide evidence of financial capabilities (special staff, scientists, pensioners, rentiers, athletes).

Permanent residence permit (radicaciones residencia permanente)

Those who have lived in Argentina for at least 3 years with a temporary permit can count on permanent resident status (for applicants from MERCOSUR member countries, the period has been reduced to 2 years). The list of applicants also includes direct relatives of a person with an Argentine passport (spouse, children, parents). It is also allowed to issue residencia permanente to close people of the relocant who already has permanent residence. The list of applicants includes: husband/wife, parents and children under 18 years of age. Direct relatives of an immigrant can also apply for permanent resident status.

The list of documents for registration is identical to a transit residence permit. You do not need to provide a certificate of income.

Residence permit for digital nomads (nomadas digitales)

Persons working in a remote format can count on receiving it. The most important condition is that digital nomads are prohibited from signing contracts with Argentine customers and employers. The applicant will be required to submit:

  • an application;
  • passport;
  • a resume indicating relevant work experience;
  • photo (4×4);
  • contract with a foreign employer;
  • bank statement (income statement).

The permission for the removers is issued for a period not exceeding 6 months (with the right to a one-time extension for a similar period). We told you in detail about the conditions for obtaining the Digital Nomad of Argentina earlier.

The difference between a short-term residence permit and a long-term one is that applicants for rezidencia transitoria do not receive a resident card (DNI). It can be considered an analogue of the Russian passport. You will not be able to apply for a Schengen visa without a DNI. In addition, it is problematic to rent a house without an identity card.

Grounds for obtaining

The grounds on which the Argentine authorities can grant temporary resident status are set out on the website of the National Directorate for Migration. Law No. 25.871 regulates in detail the reasons for the possible relocation. Let’s look at the most common grounds for legalization in the country.

Employment opportunities

Foreign specialists who have established employment relations with Argentine employers have the right to count on a residence permit. But the company that employed the foreigner must be registered with the migration service. The future employee is required to be in a special register (Re.N.U.R.E.). Additionally, he will need a certificate of registration with the tax authority.

The existence of an employment agreement specifying the proper duties and the amount of remuneration received is an absolute requirement when applying for a residence permit. You will also need a certificate of early dismissal (issued by the Office of State Revenue – AFIP). A residence permit for an employee is initially issued for 1 year (with the right of subsequent extension).


Argentina has a large number of prestigious colleges and universities. You can study at universities for free, and there are no strict language requirements (it is enough to demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in Spanish B2). Another obvious advantage is that Argentine universities accept students without entrance exams.

A residence permit is provided on condition that the university is listed in the register of migration services.  Radicaciones temporaria is awarded if the period of study is at least 3 years (in other cases, the applicant is issued a transit residence permit). Of the documents, you will necessarily need: a passport, a school certificate, a housing lease agreement, as well as a certificate confirming admission to study (issued by the university).


Temporary resident status can be obtained by those who are willing to invest personal funds in the national economy. The minimum investment amount is 1,500,000 pesos. Money can be invested in the manufacturing sector or service sectors.

The applicant must submit a capital investment plan to the Ministry of Economy. The authorities are obliged to review the draft and, if approved, transfer it to their colleagues at the migration agency. After 2 years of staying in the status of a temporary resident, the investor has the right to apply for citizenship.

Family reunion

Such a residence permit format is issued when an expat has relatives living in Argentina. Spouses and minor children of a person who was previously able to legalize in the state can request temporary resident status. If an immigrant lives in the status of a permanent resident, then he can reunite with his parents.

The applicant will be required to provide documents certifying the fact of family ties. It is also necessary to provide information on financial viability (income statement, bank statement).

Humanitarian reasons

Temporary resident status can also be granted to those who have been persecuted for political reasons in their home country. The Argentine authorities grant residence permits to foreigners whose rights and freedoms have been violated.

Holders of a residence permit on this basis are allowed to study and receive medical care free of charge. They also have the right to travel freely within the country. It is issued for a period not exceeding 1 year (with the right to further extend the status).

Requirements for applicants

The Argentine authorities allow you to legalize in the country only on condition that the relocant does not have a criminal record (in those countries in which he lived for more than 1 year). Another mandatory requirement is the availability of housing in Argentina (it can be rented or own).

Some categories of applicants must prove a sufficient level of financial security. For example, to apply for a residence permit in Argentina, a pensioner or rentier needs to receive at least $1,400 per month. The amount of income is equivalent to 5 SMVM (analogous to the Russian minimum wage).

Required documents

The applicant will be required to provide:

  • a passport;
  • a certificate confirming that the relocator has not previously been subjected to criminal prosecution (issued by the police department);
  • data proving the fact of the absence of outstanding criminal records in the countries of permanent residence;
  • a housing lease agreement (registration certificate for an apartment or home ownership);
  • a receipt for payment of the fee.

The list of references may be supplemented depending on the category of the applicant. For example, investors attach a bank statement confirming the availability of sufficient funds in the account. Employees are required to submit a contract with an Argentine employer.

All contracts, certificates and extracts that are collected in advance in your home country must be translated into Spanish only after crossing the Argentine border. Apostillation is subject to: certificate of no criminal record, school certificate, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, birth certificate.

Only original documents are provided to the migration service. Their translation must be carried out by accredited specialists. You can order the service on the website. The translation must be additionally legalized by the Board of Translators (by affixing the appropriate seal).


The costs include the visa processing fee, the registration fee for reviewing the application. You will also need to pay for the services of translators, a notary, and in some cases, the help of migration lawyers.

An entry visa will cost $6, the amount of the registration fee for obtaining a residence permit is $ 98 (the amount is equivalent to 100 UMSM). Translation of certificates and certificates (+ its notarization) it costs $15 per page.

Medical insurance will be required for the period of stay in Argentina. Monthly maintenance at an insurance company will cost, on average, from $30 to $50. If it becomes necessary to use the services of a migration lawyer, you will have to additionally budget from $100 to $10,000.

The registration process

To obtain a residence permit in Argentina, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

1. Preparation of a package of documents

You must bring the original certificates and certificates with you. At the next stage, they must be translated into Spanish and apostilled (or legalized at the Argentine Consulate).

2. Applying for a residence permit

An expat registers on the migration service portal and sends a questionnaire online, additionally uploading scans of the necessary certificates. On the specified site, he pays the registration fee.

3. Visit to the National Migration Office

After the approval of the application, officials set a date on which the applicant is required to attend the meeting.

4. Obtaining a temporary permit

At the final stage, the applicant receives a “Precaria” – a temporary identity card. After 3 months, it is exchanged for DNI.

Terms of consideration

The standard application review period varies from 1 to 3 months. But in practice, it may increase, for example, in connection with the request for additional documents. In parallel, the applicant can use the option of express registration of the status by paying the registration fee in double amount.

Extension of an immigration residence permit

The residence permit is subject to renewal, provided that its holder has good reasons to continue living in the country. The procedure for extending a residence permit is similar to the initial registration, i.e. it is carried out through the Argentine portal of Public Services. The immigrant re-draws up the questionnaire, uploads the scanned documents and pays the fee. After reviewing the application, the relocator comes to a meeting with officials from the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and receives an updated DNI.

The status of a temporary resident of Argentina provides its holder with a set of preferences. And he is not limited to the prospect of obtaining an Argentine passport. The relocant can count on official employment, get access to free medicine and education, as well as visa-free visits to more than 170 countries around the world.

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