Bulgaria Digital Nomad Visa

In Bulgaria, the cost of living is significantly lower than in Western Europe. The country has a good climate and ecology, the cleanest coast of the Black Sea. Favorable real estate prices, friendly business environment.

Bulgaria is one of the EU countries that was partially included in the Schengen area jurisdiction in April 2024. Under these new conditions, the prospect of moving to this Balkan state is becoming increasingly attractive for a large number of foreigners working as self-employed. However, a digital nomad visa is not yet legislated in Bulgaria.

Russians can legally reside and work remotely on the territory of the Bulgarian state through an alternative program. Initially, it is necessary to obtain a permit for individual labor activity (ILA), and then a long-term category “D” visa must be arranged. The national visa application processing time does not exceed 35 working days.

Freelancers must also plan extra time to arrange the ILA permit, which is issued within 30 working days from the registration of the application.

Freelance Visa Specifics

The analog digital nomad program allows a foreign guest to engage in private practice without the need to register as a sole proprietor. This program is predominantly chosen by bloggers, IT specialists, business consultants, and anyone who prefers to be self-employed. The ILA permit, designated for the self-employed, allows them to register their own company within the territory of the Balkan state and to officially be its founder.

However, it is important to remember the restrictions that prevent a foreigner from obtaining a private practice permit. These restrictions apply to professions primarily occupied by specialists with a Bulgarian passport (lawyers, notaries). For Russians wishing to obtain an ILA permit, an exam in the national language is required (qualification level must be at least B1). Additional requirements include presenting a business project plan and justifying its benefit to the national economy and local population. Another condition for those planning to participate in the analog digital nomad visa program is the official confirmation of professional competencies and experience.

The Employment Agency (Sofia) issues the ILA permit valid for 1 year. A fee of 400 Bulgarian levs is charged for application processing.

After obtaining the private practice permit, one can proceed to apply for a category D visa (considered equivalent to a residence permit). The visa is issued by the Bulgarian embassy (Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya Street, 66). With a freelancer’s residence permit stamp in the passport, one can freely cross the border of the Balkan state. Upon arrival in Bulgaria, the entrepreneur must register with the agency responsible for maintaining the entrepreneur statistics. Then, the participant of the analog digital nomad visa program may apply to the Migration Department to obtain a document allowing long-term stay in the country.

Taxes for Freelancers

The tax rate for foreigners engaged in private practice in Bulgaria is 10% of the monthly income. Participants in the analog freelancer visa program are also required to contribute to social programs, while self-employed are not charged health insurance contributions. A foreigner owning a company with one founder pays a corporate tax of 10% of the profit (no fiscal payment is required if there is no profit).

If a digital nomad lives in Bulgaria for less than 183 days a year, he is not considered a tax resident. In this case, he is not obliged to pay taxes.

Visa Costs

The consular fee for issuing a national visa with a validity of up to 1 year is 200 euros. Services for processing documents at the visa center additionally cost 14 euros. Visa and service fees are not charged for children (under 6 years old) and disabled individuals of all groups (including one accompanying person).

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Required Documents

To apply for an ILA permit, a potential participant in the digital nomad visa analog program must provide:

  • A business project plan;
  • A document confirming professional qualification and work experience (diploma, work book, etc.);
  • A certificate of knowledge of the Bulgarian language;
  • A document proving financial security (bank statement with a deposit no less than 6 MROT, established in the Balkan state).

For a long-term visa application, the applicant needs:

  • Application form;
  • Permission to engage in private practice (certified copy);
  • Documents confirming rental accommodation;
  • A 3.5 x 4.5 cm color photo (1 copy);
  • International passport;
  • Document of financial security (bank statement with a deposit no less than 6 MROT, established in Bulgaria);
  • Civil passport;
  • Medical insurance with a coverage amount of at least 30,000 euros;
  • Certificate of no criminal record;
  • Consent for the processing of personal data.

To apply for entry permission into Bulgaria, one should contact VFS Global visa centers (applications are submitted by appointment online – website https://visa.vfsglobal.com/rus/ru/bgr/news/application-for-long-term-visa). Accredited structure offices are located in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg.

Recent Changes in Visa Issues with Bulgaria

With Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen, the conditions for issuing visas to Russians have become stricter. However, the number of compatriots wishing to live and work within the digital nomad program in the Balkan state has not decreased this year.

Popularity statistics for Digital Nomad Visa to Bulgaria

Popularity statistics for Digital Nomad Visa to Bulgaria

An analysis of the graph using Google Trends open data shows that in recent months there has been a clear increase in requests for a digital nomad visa to Bulgaria. It is also important to note that this program is one of the few that did not lose demand at the beginning of summer 2024.

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