How to get a residence permit in France with a Passeport Talent visa

How to get a residence permit in France with a Passeport Talent visa

Evgeniy Sokolov
Evgeniy Sokolov Journalist, editor
5 February 2025
6 min. reading time

In order to attract talented professionals and creative people to the country, the French government amended the law “On the Rights of Foreigners” in 2017. After the revision, a new article L313-20 appeared, which suggests opening the “Passeport Talent” program. Immigrants who can advance the economy of their countries with their abilities and talents can become participants.

The project immediately became popular. In the first year alone, migration authorities issued 27,656 residence permits.

Unlike the usual one-year residence permit, Passeport Talent is issued to foreign applicants from third countries and their families under a simplified procedure for 4 years at once. Holders have the opportunity to obtain permanent resident cards within 5 years, and after 10 years of life and naturalization, become citizens of the European Union.

If there is documentary evidence of experience and merit in the profession, the dossier is considered on a priority basis and the status is issued within six months.

Who can apply for a talent visa

The international mobility of specialists with expert knowledge and experience is invaluable for the development of the economy, science, technology, and culture in different countries. These factors led to the emergence of Passeport Talent, and even earlier – the French Tech program. With their help, the authorities want to make France an international center for professionals, optimize and speed up the process of obtaining long-term residence permits.

The list of participants, at the initiative of the government, was expanded in 2020 by Resolution No. 1733. It provides for 11 categories of non-residents who can apply for professional and commercial residence permits. They are available to people with advanced skills and significant achievements in various fields, as well as sponsors and founders. The authorities impose different requirements for each type of candidate in terms of qualifications and earnings.


An investor visa is issued to wealthy foreigners who are willing to directly invest €300,000 in a business, participate in the management of the sponsored company, or own 30% of the shares.

By law, foreign investors must have at least a master’s degree, 5 years of experience, and also document a commitment to preserve jobs for 4 years.

Qualified specialists

Applicants for the salarié en mission category receive immigration permits and professional licenses based on an academic degree or proof of 5 years of relevant experience.

The employment agreement with a French employer must specify the working conditions and income exceeding 1.5 times the minimum wage in the country. At the beginning of 2024, this amount was €21,203. The annual salary of specialists must be at least €38,166.

Highly qualified employees

Permits and Blue Cards are issued to invited specialists with diplomas from French universities with a master’s degree, as well as to highly specialized experts at invitations from 25 countries.

Conditions for obtaining a European Blue Card:

  • compliance with the qualifications of the position held,
  • a contract with the company for a year,
  • exceeding the salary by 1.5 times the minimum wage.

In 2023, the annual income of cardholders was €53,837.

Company founders

The resident status of fondateur d’entreprise is assigned to financially secure candidates with an approved business model for the creation of a commercial, industrial or craft company with an investment of at least €30,000.

The dossier is accepted from candidates with specialist and master’s degrees, 5 years of business experience and a permit to operate. Alternatively, you can buy a controlling stake in an operating company.


Projet economique innovant is aimed at developing digital technologies and creating competitive start-ups. Innovative authors, IT specialists, creators of promising technological projects for implementation in the country apply for the French Tech visa. The dossier is reviewed after the approval of the business plan by the authorized body, with support from the French Tech ecosystem, a business incubator endorsed by the DGE service.

Relocators must have a monthly income of at least 1.5 minimum wages before taxes, and a bank deposit must be opened.

Representatives of innovative companies

Legal representatives of established French companies certified to hire foreign employees can apply for a talent visa. Candidates must first prove 3 months of work experience as full-time employees or officials.

Participants in innovative projects and expats whose activities are related to the country’s international reputation must earn 1.8 times more than the French and receive at least €57,221 per year.

Employees of French companies

Expats are hired for positions as authorized representatives of branches with professional experience with the permission or power of attorney of the company’s general director.

Candidates are required to demonstrate relevant experience as a corporate officer in a company or work group. The annual salary must be three times the minimum wage for French citizens and reach €63,600.

Intra-corporate transfers

Residence permits of this type are issued to business travelers who arrived in the territory as part of an exchange program, and to employees of intra-group mobility. There are no legal requirements for qualifications. The decision on appointments and transfers is made by the manager at his/her discretion. Conditions for issuing long-term visas are work contracts, annual income of at least €38,165.

People of creative professions

Residence permits are issued to participants in the Artistique et culturelle programs. This includes cultural and artistic figures, artists, authors of literary works, musicians, dancers with professional merits. Key requirements: desire to stay in the profession, portfolio, recommendations, funds for the period of stay in France: €2,000 per month per applicant, plus €1,250 per partner.

Expats with world-famous names

Long-term residence permits are issued to ambitious immigrants at the invitation of creative groups and companies wishing to demonstrate their talents. Relocators with recognition of professional merits at the national or international level are allowed to apply for Talent Renommée Internationale cards. As evidence, candidates attach certificates of recognition, publications in the press, awards in literary, intellectual, educational or other activities.

Researchers and scientists

Passeport talent chercheur is issued to researchers with academic degrees of at least a master’s degree who plan to conduct research in Europe or teach. The grounds for this are previously implemented projects, agreements of the host parties, welded by local authorities, or an accredited public/private research institute, university. Researchers need to receive a salary twice as much as their French colleagues.

Conditions for obtaining a talent passport

First, applicants decide on a category, then collect documents for participation in the program.

General requirements:

  • a diploma of at least a bachelor’s level;
  • confirmation of work experience in the specialty;
  • professional merits and achievements;
  • portfolio or business project;
  • invitation, contract for a vacancy agreed with the employer;
  • well-paid work.

Investors, founders, start-ups, authorized representatives are required to have licenses for activities.

Stages of obtaining

The process of obtaining a commercial residence permit begins with filling out a questionnaire. Information about the project is attached to it, followed by a video presentation in English / French to a representative of an accredited business incubator. The facilitator evaluates the work and draws up a conclusion. After approval, he sends an agreement.

  1. Opening of an entry visa. A long-term type D for a quarter is obtained in the home country. The application is reviewed separately from the documents for Passeport Talent and may not be approved.
  2. Residence permit registration. Upon arrival, relocates register online in DRIEETS. The Department of Economy and Labor oversees migration programs and makes a decision on issuing status. According to statistics, the approval rate is 60%.
  3. Submission. Applicants pay an administrative fee, upload folders in French on the website. In return, they receive a temporary récépissé and autorisation provisoire. They provide the legal right to legalization and work in France during the waiting period.
  4. Receiving a card. Applicants are given a titre de séjour plastic card, recommendations for integration into society.

Processing time

  1. It takes 4 weeks to collect documents, submit to the consulate/embassy, ​​an accredited VC in the home country and open an entry visa.
  2. The time frame for checking a business plan in France is not strictly defined, but the process takes from 1.5 months. The waiting period depends on the facilitator’s workload.
  3. The review at the Migration Office (OFII) is delayed by 5-8 weeks. In case of an incomplete set of documents, they ask to bring the missing certificates and extend the time at their discretion.
  4. After approval at DRIEETS, the talent passport is issued within 2 months.
Total processing time
In total, the process takes 4-6 months.

The cost of a visa is €99 per person, the card is €250-270. Payment is accepted at the OFII immigration and citizenship office. Applicants are additionally charged a stamp duty of €25.

What documents are needed to apply for a talent passport

Applicants translate all documents issued abroad into French and have them notarized. Application forms are filled out on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After registration, they are marked with numbers and bar codes.

The dossier for submission includes:

  • A foreign passport and 3 digital photos;
  • A resume;
  • A copy of a French visa or residence permit, if the applicant lives in the country on another basis;
  • A certificate of address;
  • A receipt for payment of fees;
  • A certificate of no criminal record;
  • Diplomas, extracts from work books to confirm experience.

To prove solvency, applicants provide bank statements and letters of guarantee. Employees of innovative companies attach form Cerfa No. 15614 from employers, work contracts, petitions from business incubators, and confirm the right to hire personnel under the French Tech visa.

Investors submit certificates of ownership of a share in the company, and the contribution of the amount. Business owners present statutory documents and property rights. Researchers are required to have permission from the country’s academic institutions. When couples move, a scanned marriage certificate is required. Certified copies of birth certificates are required for family members.

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of a talent passport?

Holders of French residence permits can stay in the territory without time restrictions. They freely visit EU countries, work, conduct business, use social benefits, receive treatment in clinics, teach children in schools and universities. They can also transport families. This type of residence permit gives the right to work not only to applicants, but also to spouses and adult children.

Can I renew my talent passport?

A residence permit of this category is issued for 4 years. Then relocates extend the term for another year, then become permanent residents. After another 5 years, they receive European passports.

In total, obtaining citizenship takes 10 years. To do this, they are required to learn the state language at level B1, and not to travel abroad for the last 2 years.

Is it possible to work in another country with a French talent passport?

It is intended for use only in this jurisdiction. Expats from third countries who wish to work outside of it must re-go through the immigration procedure and obtain a residence permit under other laws.

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