Education system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Education system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Sofia Hansen
Sofia Hansen Leading expert on visas and residence permits in Europe
5 February 2025
9 min. reading time

The educational process in the United Arab Emirates not only meets the highest international standards, but also provides an opportunity to learn a lot about the extraordinary traditions of the East.

The country attracts with its hot climate, developed infrastructure and an extraordinary multinational society: a significant part of the UAE residents come from 110 countries. That is why the language of communication here is the same for everyone – English, which adds similarities to Europe to the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE is dominated by a friendly attitude towards representatives of different religions and nationalities. Nevertheless, residents of the country expect tolerance from expats: religious norms in the UAE are comparable to state ones, which means that the style of clothing, relationships and manners must comply with the laws of the East.

By the way, religious laws characterize the Emirates from a positive side: in the Arab state it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages and any other substances that alter consciousness. The crime rate here is negligible, so parents whose children have gone to the UAE to gain knowledge should not worry.

The development of education here is controlled by the country’s authorities. Every year, significant amounts of money are spent from the budget to improve this area. Thanks to government regulation, a large number of educational institutions have appeared in the country at the level of the best EU universities.

The local education system provides for several levels of education: preschool (development of children in the first years of life), school (12 years of study), vocational (study in a technical school) and higher education. Of course, people mainly come here to enter a university.

Why choose to study in the Emirates

The UAE is a popular place where students from all over the world are happy to go to study. Along with the latest scientific and information technologies, the local educational system also includes centuries-old principles of European higher education institutions.

Studying in the Emirates is not just an opportunity to become the owner of a diploma recognized everywhere. Time spent in one of the most dynamic and prosperous countries will allow you to combine the educational process with the establishment of useful connections and spend unforgettable years in the country.

The United Arab Emirates is a special atmosphere, unrivaled architecture, a unique metro without drivers, kilometers of beaches and an automated ski resort stretching among the sandy desert.

And in terms of the quality and level of education, the Emirates occupy the top lines in the top twenty best universities.

Education at preschool and school levels

Education of children of the first years of life inclusively up to the 4th grade is within the competence of the preschool education management body at the federal level. In the Emirates, there are not only state, but also commercial kindergartens.

Classes in kindergarten
In any institution for preschoolers, special attention is paid to the organization and maintenance of safety, as well as the upbringing and comprehensive development of children. Thus, in addition to the main disciplines, the program includes vocal and music training, art classes and other subjects.

For a child who has reached the age of one and a half months, up to 4 years, the process of registration of documents for enrollment in a preschool institution does not require contacting the local Department of Education.

Each of the existing preschool institutions has its own mandatory rules and criteria for enrolling children, and also sets a certain amount of payment for the services provided.

The standard package of documentation required for enrollment in an institution includes:

  • Application,
  • birth registration certificate,
  • documents of legal representatives,
  • official confirmation of place of residence (this can be a rental agreement, receipts for payment of utility bills or a certificate confirming the right to own property).

Children of foreigners have the right to study in both commercial and municipal schools exclusively on a fee-paying basis. However, the number of such students in a class cannot be higher than 20%. An important requirement for enrollment in an educational institution is that the child’s parents work in the United Arab Emirates and are residents of the country.

Secondary education

The process of education at school in the Emirates lasts for 12 years. At the first stage, future students are enrolled in the general course. After the student has completed the 8th grade, he or she can, if desired, give preference to one or another specialization – a professional direction. After completing the 9th grade, the child remains on the general course or chooses advanced training. The elite course involves teaching children from grades 6 to 12.

Educational areas differ in the set of disciplines. In the advanced course, a special role is given to the thorough mastery of natural science and mathematics. Such a narrow focus involves deepening professional and practical experience in the chosen specialty.

Elite Course
The elite course is for students with excellent academic achievements. This course is aimed at developing logical abilities, as well as the ability to find a way out of various problem situations.

After 12 years of study in the Emirates, graduates receive a certificate of secondary education. Based on the issued document, the future student has the right to enroll in the chosen university.

Higher Education

Most of the existing universities (which is about 70% of educational institutions) are located in Dubai, as well as in Abu Dhabi. Today, over a hundred universities are ready to accept students, three of which are municipal. Educational activities here are carried out according to the Bologna system, according to which universities provide 3 educational levels.

Bologna system stages:

  • Bachelor’s degree (4 years);
  • Master’s degree (up to 2 years);
  • Doctoral degree (up to 5 years).

Foreign applicants are admitted based on the results of mandatory entrance examinations. To enroll in a university, it is necessary to have a certificate of completion of 12 grades with a score of at least 80%. Graduates of technical schools, in turn, upon admission present a certificate of completion of their educational institution.

Foreigners have the right to study on a fee-paying basis in both municipal and commercial universities. Many applicants apply for enrollment based on a document confirming their secondary education, but often a year of preparatory training precedes admission.

To become a university student, an applicant must know English. To confirm their language skills, the future student takes a special exam. Some universities additionally require testing in highly specialized subjects.

Advantages of studying

In less than half a century, the process of obtaining higher education in the Emirates has reached an incredible level. The state has borrowed the knowledge and unrivaled experience of Western universities. Privileged universities with first-class educational complexes (campuses) have appeared in this country, where experienced teaching staff comes from all over the world to work. Every year, the government allocates at least 20% of the total budget of the UAE to the educational sphere.

The number of students who have come from other countries and want to study in the United Arab Emirates is constantly increasing.

This is happening for several good reasons:

  1. The opportunity to receive an education in English: this language is widely spoken in the Emirates, in addition, it is generally accepted for universal communication. English is taught in universities, however, if a student expresses a desire, he can study in Arabic;
  2. High-quality education: the quality of educational activities in the UAE meets international standards and is based on the experience of Western universities. In the Emirates, higher education institutions employ teachers invited from Europe, America and Asian countries. Diplomas obtained in the UAE are recognized throughout the world community. This year, according to Quacquarelli Symonds, 11 universities in the United Arab Emirates took first place in the ranking of the most successful universities in the world;
  3. Admission to universities in the UK and USA: studying in the UAE is always promising. Many popular universities in the UK and the USA have opened their branches in the Emirates, where it is possible to study according to the same developed programs and receive the same educational documents as British and American graduates. At the same time, studying in the UAE is noticeably cheaper;
  4. Constant demand for graduates: taking into account the regular need for professionals and the dynamic development of the state economy, as well as the availability of special internship programs in local companies, a foreign graduate of the university has the right to count on employment with a guaranteed prospect of career growth.

The UAE is a great place to get an education, future employment and a successful career. In addition to the main advantages, students note the friendliness of the surrounding atmosphere, the professionalism of teachers, and the tolerance of the multinational community of universities.

Most graduates appreciate the opportunity for mandatory internships provided by international companies and consider the experience gained as a guarantee of future employment. Universities teach modern specialties that are in demand all over the world, as a result, former UAE students do not have problems with employment in other countries.

TOP 10 best universities in the UAE for foreign applicants

In any of the universities of the United Arab Emirates, foreign students study on a fee-paying basis and are required to be full-time students. Among those wishing to obtain a diploma, the most popular areas are architecture, tourism, banking, oil production and hotel business.

Foreign applicants choose a university based, as a rule, on several indicators:

  • language of instruction;
  • annual cost;
  • level of comfort for students on campus;
  • suitable living conditions;
  • opportunity to earn extra money in your free time;
  • availability of internship prospects;
  • demand in the labor market and demand after graduation.

High demand for universities in the United Arab Emirates among students from abroad is supported by international popularity indicators according to annual data from QS World University Rankings.

The TOP-10 best universities in the UAE for foreigners include the universities listed in the following list.

Khalifa University

Created on the initiative of the government and located in Abu Dhabi. It first opened its doors to students in 2007. The institution has achieved global recognition, and its growing faculty includes staff from more than 40 different countries.

The university provides students with comfortable learning conditions and a comprehensive educational environment.

United Arab Emirates University

The United Arab Emirates University was founded in 1976 in Al Ain. This public research institution is the oldest university in the UAE.

Students from not only the Emirates, but also from many other countries strive to get into this educational institution. Its campus is home to more than 6,000 students at a time.

American University of Sharjah

The university (founded by the ruler of Sharjah – His Highness Sultan bin Mohammad Al Qassim) is located in Sharjah. It began its work in 1997 and has gained recognition throughout the Middle East. It has earned an excellent reputation largely due to its achievements in educational activities and multinational life within the campus.

Today, the campus is home to over 5,000 students from 82 countries. The university’s teaching staff includes over 300 specialists.

American University in Dubai

The American University in Dubai was founded in 1995. It is a commercial educational institution where students receive higher education recognized throughout the world.

The number of students is approximately 2,000 people, and the number of teachers is over 120. Students of over 100 different nationalities live on campus at the same time.

Zayed University

Zayed University is named after the first president of the state and is located in Abu Dhabi. It was founded in 1998. This institution is one of those whose activities are sponsored by the UAE government.

This university is a federal educational institution, the first to receive international accreditation. The university offers students 17 programs in various specialties, 10 bachelor’s and 10 master’s degrees.

Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University has been operating since 2003. It is a commercial university in the United Arab Emirates, the main advantage of the institution is its campus. Due to its convenient location, students can simultaneously enjoy the benefits of not only city life, but also country life.

This university annually ranks first among educational institutions around the world.

Higher Colleges of Technology

Founded in 1988 in Abu Dhabi. The Higher College of Technology is a public educational institution. Both local and international students study within its walls. The teaching staff includes more than 1,300 specialists.

Ajman University of Science and Technology

Place of foundation – Ajman. Year of establishment – ​​1988. The campus of Ajman University of Science and Technology has an area of ​​215,000 square meters. On its territory there are various sports facilities, a medical center, a gym, mosques, a bookstore and restaurants.

This university is among the top thirty universities in the UAE, and in the list presented by QS University rankings, it is in 9th place.

Al Ain University of Science and Technology

Year of establishment – ​​2004, located in Al Ain. Al Ain University of Science and Technology is a commercial university offering accredited study programs with 11 bachelor’s degrees.

In addition, here you can get a master’s degree in business administration, as well as a diploma in education.

University of Sharjah

The University of Sharjah began its work in 1997. On the basis of the institution, students have access to 122 educational and research programs. The university’s approach to education is comprehensive and multidisciplinary. Educational activities include the study of various fields: from Sharia and law to medical sciences and design.

How to apply to a university

The requirements for admission to UAE universities are quite different. For example, some universities accept prospective students solely based on the results of entrance examinations, while others do not accept applicants without a receipt for a one-time payment for the entire educational course.

In order to be considered enrolled in any of the country’s universities, after receiving a certificate, some students have to study for a year at a domestic university or study for the same period under the Foundation student training program.

Why do you need an extra year
This condition is mandatory in order to compensate for the missing year of study, since, based on the British education system, which is followed by educational institutions of the Emirates, for admission you need to have a secondary education equal to 12 years of study.

The procedure for submitting documents is quite simple: online on the official website of the selected university. There is no unified system for processing applications in the UAE. All required documents must be submitted together with a translation into English or Arabic. Each paper must be notarized. The completed documents are scanned and uploaded to the university website.

Document submission deadlines

Admissions committees review applications for admission to the university twice a year:

  • in the spring – from March to April;
  • in the fall – from September to October.

Please note that the deadlines for submitting documents vary from university to university. If you need a student visa, you must take into account the time it takes to process it, so in this case, you should submit your application as early as possible.

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